Heavy Strategy - 072 - Making Distributed Work Successful

01:30 - the difference between distributed vs remote. Remote/hybrid assume there is a correct place for where work gets done. Distributed accepts work gets done where the worker is

06:00 - team building has changed. We don’t have management by walking around anymore.

07:00 - video calls require change.

One option - good meeting hygiene. What is the point of this meeting? What do we need to get out of it? How do we avoid the meeting being the start of the discussion about something OR make it clear that is the point.

Is this done with a pre-meeting? Amazon like read the briefing notes at the start of the meeting?

On the other side and something not discussed is how do we offer space for organic discussion?

13:00 - treat meeting time as far more precious.

14:00 - “It’s just that in person, we’ve been cheating and treating time as free, because essentially, once you’re on the clock, you’re in the office, we basically pretend like your time is worth nothing. And the real issue with distributed work is all of a sudden, people are realizing how long it does or doesn’t take to get stuff done.”

24:00 - example of distributed work

Heavy Strategy - HS072: Making Distributed Work Successful