Step CA offers to run as a service/server. So you can use it as an ACME endpoint or for other integrations. is a great overview.
A big note - Step strongly encourages automation - so the default certificate length is a single day.
Create your CA
step ca init
step-ca $(step path)/config/ca.json
step ca root root_ca.crt
Create a certificate
step ca certificate localhost localhost.crt localhost.key
step ca certificate svc.crt svc.key
step ca certificate localhost localhost.crt localhost.key --not-after=5m
step ca certificate localhost localhost.crt localhost.key --not-after=90d
Bundle Certs
step certificate bundle localhost.crt root_ca.crt localhost-bundle.crt
Check a certificate
step certificate inspect svc.crt --short
Creating a cert in two steps (with CSR)
step certificate create --csr foo.csr foo.key
step ca sign foo.csr foo.crt
Export your CA root
SSH Certificates
Step will also help deal with SSH certs which allows you to rotate your SSH keys frequently.
- Bootstrap your CA:
step ca bootstrap --ca-url [CA URL] --fingerprint [CA fingerprint]
- Configure SSH:
step ssh config --roots > /path/to/
- Configure SSHD:
cat <<EOF >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# This is the CA's public key for authenticating user certificates:
TrustedUserCAKeys /path/to/
systemctl restart ssh
Create SSH Cert
step ssh certificate id_ecdsa