Volts - Charles Marohn on unsustainable suburbs

8:30 - Calling suburbs a Ponzi scheme isn’t saying it’s explicitly malicious. It’s human psychology. 13 min - goes into more about human psychology - why does a 30 min - the asymmetry of engagement 34 min - decisions to be made at the lowest level that they can be made 37 min - looking at how to do work that generates a culture versus a master plan or top down network planning. Bottom up is harder. 48 min - a failing suburb is a dangerous recipe. Isolation plus poverty is not a good recipe. 67 min - do we think we can get climate action without centralized top down action? (Which goes to the point at the 37 min mark) Invcentivitizing cultural answers. People want good urbanism - incentivize that instead of dictating it.

Volts - Charles Marohn on unsustainable suburbs